by | Jan 2, 2024 | Prophetic | 4 comments

Conspiracy theories, outlandish predictions, and what sounds like fearmongering are all part of our world. They are also part of the narrative contained in Scripture. A dismissal has entered the thinking in some parts of the Church regarding these negative-sounding conversations defining them as words without hope. One can get chided, even publicly corrected when addressing these issues. It’s easy to initially assume these dismissals are valid because the topics and their outcomes are too dark to contemplate, even for a moment. The hope we possess is only defined in what appears to be a hopeless situation.

Jesus was aware of all the darkness in the world, yet He didn’t dismiss its presence when it came up as a subject of conversation. He taught us how to live in a darkened world with hope. He never lost His peace or became confused by what He saw happening. He remained focused on God the Father and never allowed the cadence of His faith to be interrupted by dark realities.

Dismissal has never been part of our spiritual armor. We are commanded to put on all the armor of God and then stand in the middle of the fray of culture speaking the truth in love and loving our neighbor as ourselves. The response of an armored kind of faith is free to engage head on what too many have explained away or have been taught to dismiss outright. Neither of those options is part of our faith or an expression of the hope we carry.


  1. Diana Katona

    For me and yet I do agree with what you are saying but for me I’m tired of the hype among the Christian Community about all the catastrophes that are going to happen it’s so rampant and there’s numerous commentaries on YouTube that are continually making fun of people with mental illness to use it as a platform to exalt themselves and the church there needs to be healthy boundaries and of course Reliance on the holy spirit and wisdom that he gives us

  2. Bobbi

    ”The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    There is an addiction in this world, look the other way. This will weaken all. BUT GOD has become our favorite words. For only with His wisdom we can face what we are to each moment of each day!

  3. Jenn

    I’m a “conspiracy realist” and what you say is 💯 correct on how people react to you when you reveal the evil that is and has been taking place. Thank you for this post, I needed to hear that Jesus knew about this too but it didn’t change Him, that is my goal, to be so focused on Christ that nothing anyone else says or does can move me or take away my peace. “There is nothing new under the sun” and that is a good reminder as our eyes are opened to the evil that has been attempting to take over. But God! 🕊️❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸🦅

  4. John J Anderson II

    In the days of Elisha and Jeremiah, many men sought to be regarded as “prophets” in the eyes of financial sponsors (Kings, typically). Few were appointed by God, and fewer stood in His counsel.

    Social media is similarly filled in our times with people who are not appointed, not anointed, and have not stood in His counsel – – and the church is mocked because of these rotten timbers.

    May God further confirm the sure words that you have already spoken, Garris – and may your spiritual sons be as sure as Elisha was in succeeding Elijah.


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