Daniel wrote about kings that would one day arise who would “speak against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time” (Daniel 7:25).
What will be spoken by this king in the future resembles what has been spoken by others of a similar spirit across the expanse of time. The goal of their words has always been used to wear down the faith of God’s people. These words have a rasping like affect like a rough-edged file that grinds away our faith one lie at a time. The wearing down of our faith is to accomplish a single goal – to speak against God.
These rasping voices will attempt to alter the unchanging dates and times set by God for the redemption of people and nations. Laws will be altered to accomplish their evil goals. They will call God’s promises folly and release a mocking spirit to attack all who would dare to remain faithful to God.
For those who are slumbering in their faith, these words will sound abrupt, waking them from the illusions they have been groomed to believe. For those who have remained awake and faithful to what God has promised this will be a time of rejoicing because the fulfillment of all that God promised is approaching.
Much of what we see playing out on the world stage is a trial run to prepare us for future events. The first strokes of the rasping work of hell upon our faith are subtle not inflicting much discomfort in the beginning. Over time, and after allowing repeated strokes of deception to wear down a once established faith, it will have accomplished its desired goal. At that point, it will sadly cause some to deny the Lord they once served.
Those who will overcome in this campaign of evil and live through it with their faith still intact will have at some point pushed away the rasping lies of hell and said enough is enough.