A few decades ago, a local church that believed in the supernatural works of God self-described itself as Full Gospel. The term noted an on-going belief in the supernatural works of God including the function of all the gifts of the Spirit. They did not believe in a cessation of the supernatural. For the most part, the expression of that fullness remained inside a church building or in conference settings and rarely walked outside the walls of mutual fellowship into the streets of a city or took its power into the halls of a cultural institution. The impact of that supernatural expression was isolated to meetings where like-minded people of faith gathered to experience God.

Today, God is expanding the definition of a full representation of the Gospel to include groups of supernaturally empowered people who have ventured outside our current church model and its limited creativity to export a Kingdom impact into all spheres of the culture. These new Full Gospel individuals and churches may not look “religious” enough to those whose definition of the Full Gospel must always function within a familiar church structure. 

The new Full Gospel Church sees nations and cultural institutions as the ultimate target of their ministry focus. They take the words of Jesus seriously and literally when He said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28: 19). The reformation-minded disciples who express a Full Gospel assignment will carry with them Spirit-empowered solutions and new forms of creativity not currently being considered or explored. They also know what we have been doing in this generation of the Church in western culture has not changed the world in the radical way Jesus intended when He gave us the Great Commission. They want to make a difference and they are willing to take the religious flak their assignment will draw.

These new Full Gospel disciples are business entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, single mothers getting elected to a city council position, retired persons who find a new career, and burned out pastors who have tried to prop up a dying ministry model. It is a diverse list of people hungry for something more – a fuller expression of what it means to partner in the global expansion of God’s Kingdom. 

A new fullness has arrived and that fullness will express the next chapter of our Kingdom assignment as we work with God to cover the Earth with a Full Gospel witness of His presence in all spheres of the global culture.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him” (Psalm 24:1).


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