by | Aug 27, 2023 | Prophetic | 5 comments

Because of time and distance from historic events, we tend to sanitize our interpretation of what happened. The massive sacrifices that took place in the Old Testament are such events. They were a bloody mess. 

During the temple dedication, Solomon had 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep sacrificed over a period of seven days. The average cow contains 10.3 gallons of blood. A single sheep is 1.11 gallons.  Combining the volume of blood spilled during the ceremony, it totaled 359,200 gallons. In modern terms that is the amount of blood needed to fill 18 average in-ground swimming pools.

Imagine if you were one of the priests wielding their blade having to slit the throats of so many animals. The pumping jugular veins spewing out blood like a garden hose coupled with the sounds of the dying animals made for a very violent event. You would literally be wading ankle-deep in blood Your priestly garments would be saturated with the sacrifice.

The rapidity of the required sacrifices didn’t afford much time to clean up as you went about your duties. As the blood spilled on the ground, the flies would arrive to lay their eggs. In the next 8-12 hours the maggots would appear. 

Do you get the picture? It was a shocking mess. The metallic smell of blood filled the air as the animals bellowed in the throes of death and the priests sloshed through the blood being handed yet another sharpened knife from their attendants who kept the blades humanely sharp.

This image provides a new understanding of Romans 10:4, “For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.” A single drop of Jesus’ blood accomplished what all the sacrifices across all of time could not.

Lord, we are so thankful we have been redeemed by your blood. No power on Earth or in the heavens can withstand the power of your sacrifice.


  1. John J Anderson II


    Quality (perfect passover lamb slain from the foundation of the world) over Quantity!

  2. Lesley Ann Richardson

    An excerpt from a commentary I wrote on one of the “parashas” (biblical portions) in Leviticus:

    Here in Leviticus is the institution of the sacrificial system of Judaism which was carried forward thousands of years, and finally centralized in the temple in Jerusalem. What an amazing scene it must have been on great occasions, when hundreds of burnt offerings were offered. It’s hard for us to picture what it must have been like, as the priests cut the animals in pieces, arranged them on the altar, as the blood streamed and the odor of burning flesh filled the air – and the thick smoke hanging over the altar revealed that the sacrifice was complete.
    But as I read the portion in Leviticus again this year I had some new questions in my mind.
    I wondered about what those priests were thinking and feeling as they watched the thousands of animals being slaughtered year after year.
    Did they ever think: These creatures are innocent but they are suffering for my transgression?
    Did they ever wonder: Can the blood of bulls and goats ever really atone for the sins of human beings?

    Did perhaps even this question come into their minds:

    Would the day ever come when God would require the human being himself to pay the penalty for those sins?

    If so, I would think such thoughts would overwhelm the individual priest with a sense of the great mercy he had received.

    Or that, as he pondered the enormity of the sin that required so much blood, so much suffering; he would be humbled to the dust.

    All pride in having been chosen by God for priestly service in the most exalted religion ever revealed to mankind would be annihilated.

    And with these thoughts in mind, I understood in a new light the parasha command that the fire is never to go out on the altar. It must surely signify the altar of our hearts, where all pride is to be burned up.

    • Jeff McLeod

      Excellent and thought provoking, Leslie Ann.

  3. Jeff McLeod

    I’m actually shocked that I never really took the time to ponder the vast reality and physical ghastliness of the sacrifices at the Temple Dedication and the yearly sacrifices for so many centuries. Today, we’ve so sanitized the sacrificial system culminated and fulfilled by Jesus that we scarcely understand its significance. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

  4. Nita Belles

    What a great blog! I didn’t see the “drop of Jesus’ blood” coming. Powerful.

    Thanks again Garris!


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