Some of you are living under the weight of unfounded accusations and threats of revenge. A turning point will take place where the voice of your accusers will be silenced, and their plans for revenge will fail. The Lord is coming to your rescue.
This morning, as I was reading through the Psalms, I came upon the following verse, “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). I noticed I had written in the margin the previous dates when I read the verse over the years. This did not include the many times before when I had absorbed the hope of those words.
The word “Yet” means “nevertheless, in spite of that”, whatever the “that” might be. Its application is not limited to accusations and threats. It could apply to the darkness we see taking place in our world or when a season of hopelessness infects our thoughts.
In David’s case, he had just prayed to ask the Lord to keep him from falling into the hands of his enemies. They were accusing him of things of which he was innocent and threatening him with plans for revenge. After identifying his accusers, he began the next verse with the word “Yet”, the nevertheless statement of his trust in the Lord that he would see the goodness of God revealed in an impossible situation only God could redeem.
So many things are under assault today in the life of a believer – our identity in Christ, hope for the future, and a sense of peace in a world filled with increasing levels of turmoil. The most important word we can add to our vocabulary when surrounded by doubt and fear is the word “Yet.” Speaking the word “Yet” will open the door of our faith to reveal a level of hope that only comes when our trust is placed in God, not our plan of escape.
“The Lord is coming to your (our) rescue” Amen!
Thank you for your daily posts; they are so encouraging and line up with several other prophets as well. God is on the move!!!
May God bless you and Jan.
Inside me, I feel a growing power. It’s in the knowing that The Master Jesus is on His way to this world to shut down the forces of evil permanently. Continue to shine the light of love for one another as siblings of The Father but pray Justice on those who need it. The Master will hear our prayers for Justice to come to those who need it.
Glory To You Oh Lord by Kevin Shearer
Glory Glory to You oh Lord and thank you for this day.
All good things I do for You. Sincerely, I pray.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. My true inspiration.
I pray I’ll be truly worthy Lord of Your Salvation.
Glory glory to You oh Lord.
The shepherd of my soul.
Without You, I am incomplete
but with You, I am whole.
Forgive me of my trespasses
as I have pardoned those
who’ve done me wrong. My faith is strong
and as I age, it grows.
Make me an instrument of Your Peace.
In every heart, may love release.
To praise You always, my reward.
Glory, Glory to You oh Lord.
Glory, glory to You oh lord. From sin, You set me free.
My greatest longing is to love You for eternity.
When all my life’s work here is done,
breaking my earthly chord,
Your Light will guide me to Your side.
Glory to You oh Lord!!!!!
I am filled with The Holy Spirit!!