People are leaving certain expressions of the Church. Depending on how you see this exit, it can create concern or expectation.
On the different summits of culture where God is doing His work of reformation are embedded some of those who had previously walked away. They are waiting. Many do not know they are candidates and untapped participants in the reformation that is unfolding in this moment of our history. God is about to issue a call to those who walked away.
This call will deliver a reminder of God’s love and an invitation. When heard, the call will ignite their hearts once again creating a fire of passion for what they thought was lost when they departed. This personal ignition will set a fire of reformation where they currently stand on one of the 7 summits of culture – Government, Religion, Education, Economy, Arts and Entertainment, Media and Family.
This will not be a move of God like those in the past. To many, it will be unfamiliar because it will not look churchy or sound religious. Systems of culture will experience a Heaven-directed shift outside the sanctuary walls and the existing culture of the Church. The 7 mountains of culture will become a new sanctuary for the Spirit.
This reformation is setting a fire in the hearts of people and systems that now seem to be burning alone and isolated, but over time they will join together in a conflagration that will produce sweeping reform, both within the Church and culture.
Those who walked away will return with the fire of God in their hearts and the new thinking needed to reform our concept of a faith community and its role in the world. These returning ones will evangelize the minds of those still within the old structure and mindsets of the Church. That evangelization of thinking will ignite a fire that will begin to burn the underbrush and debris from within the current manifestation of the Church creating a new vision and a greater mobility of our mission.