by | Jan 25, 2025 | Prophetic | 2 comments

It was almost 50 years ago when I heard my pastor, Roy Hicks, Jr., say a phrase in one of his sermons. He said we should learn how to live this life “contending with contentment.” Those three words became one of the badges of my faith that I have carried with me over the years. I learned that in each life situation, we can experience contentment no matter what this life brings our way

Roy’s phrase came from his teaching in Philippians 4 where Paul said, “I have learned how to be content with whatever I have” (vs. 11). Paul defined the scope of his contentment by saying, “I have learned how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little” (vs. 12).

So much is pulling on our lives demanding that we always pursue something more. Discontent sells. The pursuits empowered by our discontent will never bring us contentment apart from Christ. Contentment is not about giving up and never stepping forward in courageous acts of faith. Being content prevents us from following our unbridled passions which will lead us in the wrong direction.

Paul concluded his thoughts on contentment by saying, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (vs. 13). Contentment gives us a strength that is only available for those who are at peace with God no matter what their station in life might be. 

Some things God asks us to do will move us beyond our current ability or training. We can only embrace those things with a content heart. Contentment becomes a spiritual platform from which we can step forward to do what seems impossible. That is why the phrase, “Contending with contentment” impacted my heart so deeply many years ago as a young pastor in training and it is still directing my life today. 


  1. Tim Johnson

    Thanks for sharing Garris. I enjoyed Roy Jr and his dad. They both were great blessings… as are you my friend! 🙏

  2. Van Dickson

    Amen!, Roy Jr. was ahead of his time and so are you Garris. Again thank you for seeing and hearing correctly and for your consistency to platform this much needed insights. There has to be forerunners so the current generation can recognize the signposts. Many Christian denomination’s leaders are not seeing behind the scenes, seeing the signs of prophetic fulfillment and they are discontented over their inaccurate perceptions of the current state of affairs and their false finish lines of what would be the their opinion of supposed victory and their place of contentment is as empty and hollow as their spiritual discernment. Our greatest need of the hour is to clearly see Him who is invisible. The world and our nation’s events are falling apart but at the same time these events are falling into place. There is so much more to hope for in faith than to stay disabled by discontentment.


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