As a young boy, I grew up in a wonderful Baptist church in
Los Gatos, California. Calvary Baptist Church was surrounded by the orchards
that once filled the densely populated Silicon Valley of today.
Our church had a traditional sanctuary with stained
glass windows and pews. The sanctuary sloped down toward the platform. At the end of each sermon, our pastor, Dr.
Blaine Bishop, would have someone dismiss the service in prayer. As the prayer of dismissal was being prayed and all our heads were bowed, pastor Bishop would quietly walk
up the aisle to the back of the sanctuary where he would stand and greet people
as they left the building. I would
always squint through my faked look of prayer to watch my pastor walk up the aisle
past the place where our family would normally sit. As our pastor passed by he
would discreetly remove a mint from his pocket and slip it into his mouth to
freshen his breath after preaching.
As a young boy that small act of preparation caught my attention.
I learned from that wonderful man to not forget the small things. Most of us wonder what large and significant
thing we will accomplish in life, but the truth is it is the smallest of things
that can have the greatest impact and leave the most significant impression.
Today, inventory your life. Make sure the expansive landscape
of your earthly experience is filled with a lot of small things done with a
heart of service. When all is said and done maybe what you thought was done
in private would be seen by someone and be one of the things used by God to invite them to follow
in your footsteps.
To this day, after each time I preach, I reach into my
pocket to find the mint I placed there earlier as I ran through
my checklist to make myself ready to share God’s word. The small things do matter.