by | Feb 26, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

There’s a word we use to describe something that is too horrible to consider. We call it unthinkable. It’s unthinkable because if it happened to our family, our church, or our nation we would experience something so painful, life as we know it would radically change forever. 

If we become distracted from the deeper and often times hidden realities of life by a preoccupation with things not meant to occupy our time and energy, the unthinkable will remain unchallenged. These distractions blur the focus of our spiritual sight and misdirect our prayers giving the unthinkable free rein to work under the cover of our distractions.

Beyond the prepared statements provided by our favorite news source, what is really taking place in Ukraine? Who or what is manipulating the financial markets? Why does it feel like we are being culturally herded into the future by agendas that a decade ago we would have thought impossible to even consider? These questions and others are important to ask because if the issues they represent remain unquestioned and unchallenged they will take us into the dark terrain of the unthinkable where people will suffer needlessly.

When our prayers move beyond our personal needs to challenge a distracted faith or inquire about the affairs of nations, it will disrupt some of our relationships with those who remain convinced the distractions are reality. Some with whom we had previously enjoyed fellowship may rise in disgust and challenge the warnings we offered thinking they were unloving or misdirected. 

We are living on the edge of the unthinkable. The Lord is calling intercessors to move into the dangerous territory of the unthinkable where the power of prayer and accompanying rebukes will stall the works of hell. The stall will cause the distractions to stumble long enough to be exposed for those whose spiritual sight had been blinded by the distractions. For the first time, they will begin to see what was taking place beneath the camouflage of the distractions. 

We are all susceptible to being influenced by distractions. We need to extend mercy to each other when these exposures of a deeper reality are revealed and we feel vulnerable. The extension of mercy is required to not hinder the expression of love with fellow believers and to protect our witness of faith before the world. 

The Lord is preparing to release powerful interventions that will create engagements with dark spirits who continue to sow death and destruction unchallenged by prayer and Spirit-led rebukes. What the Lord releases through our obedience will prevent the unthinkable from happening if we are willing to pray, rebuke, and stand in the gap against the plans of hell not seen when the spiritual sight of God’s people has been distracted.


  1. kevin

    I didn’t have to read this entire post to be led to make this reply. People….the unthinkable Is happening right Now! Before our eyes! We will not see them o curing if we do not have the eyes to see and we will not hear of the spiritual and physical atrocities currently if we do not have the ears to hear and the spiritual discernment to understand. Remember-as above-so below! There are atrocities taking place in the spiritual realm right now also, as they unfold on our material plane of existence. Stay vigilant and pray everyone. The Good Shepherd is soon
    to come calling!

    A M E N

  2. Kevin

    Garris, thank you for this post. This is a call to all warriors of Light and Love to rebuke the darkness and the atrocities currently occuring against all of humanity.
    Your DNA is your name in The Father’s Book Of Life! Do Not let the forces of evil rob you of eternal life promised to us by our Savior Jesus Christ! By the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ-the 1st born of the dead-He has WON Eternal Life for those who believe in Him! Repent of your sins to Jesus! Lay them at the foot of His cross!
    He died to take Your sins away and have eternal life with Him! He would be most pleased if He gained more sheep for His Flock to drink of The Waters of Eternal Life in His Kingdom.



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