by | Aug 20, 2022 | Prophetic | 8 comments

Last night, I had a dramatic dream that contained unusual clarity. In the dream, the Lord told me to announce a gathering of believers to share with them what I was hearing from the Lord. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what the response would be since of late conferences have fallen out of favor and have become less attended than in previous years.  

I was amazed the meeting room began to fill up hours before the conference began. The first meeting wasn’t until later in the evening, yet the room began to fill up early in the morning. I saw notable individuals with impactful ministries present. Also present were many who interpreted God’s Kingdom in a very different way than me. Prophetic words and tongues with interpretation began to flow as the presence of the Lord intensified and filled the room.

For several hours after the dream ended, I tried to fall asleep and reenter the dream to recapture some of its content. I had been given three points to share with those in attendance. I was only able to recapture one point – the urgency of the hour. The other two points were my opinions. Those two points were only for me, not for those in attendance. Only later did I realize having me forget all but that one point was an intentional move by the Lord. I was not being asked by the Lord to call a meeting to share my opinions. The gathering was being called to reveal God’s opinion – the hour is urgent and we need to lay down all that would hinder us in moving in union with the Lord into the future.

Defining our shared urgency caused walls of separation to come down and a deeper level of fellowship to emerge. No one was trying to convert anyone to their opinion or a particular view of God’s Kingdom. The gathering revealed a depth of unity only possible when we gather to advance God’s Kingdom, not our ministry or our list of preferences or interpretations.

The dreamscape I saw last night will become the landscape of the future for those who are willing to lay down the non-essentials of the faith and move forward in the essentials – essentials not encumbered by the demand that our individual interpretation of spiritual reality be accepted by all before we are willing to move forward as a unified Church.


  1. John J Anderson II

    Benjamin Disraeli once remarked “There is no limit to what can be accomplished by men who agree on what they are determined to build.”

  2. Emery Smith

    Our church is going through the book of Nehemiah. We are seeing a variety of people, talents and maybe even motives join together for the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls in just 52 days.

  3. Anna McIver

    This morning I was awakened hearing these strong startling words..

  4. Lesley Ann Richardson

    Like many Australians I was saddened by the death of Olivia Newton John a couple of weeks ago. What many do not realize is that another famous Australian singer, Judith Durham, passed away a day before Olivia. She was the female lead singer in the group called “The Seekers”. Many years earlier the Lord had spoken to me in the lyrics of one of their songs: “The Carnival is Over.” This was given when He was letting me know that my time with a particular ministry, which was experiencing significant spiritual problems, was coming to an end, and that He was moving me into another area of ministry and service. Over the past two weeks, since Judith’s death, I have also been pondering those lyrics again, and wondering if it might signal a change.

    • Janet Wilson

      Thanks, Lesley. The word about urgency and change is being emphasized by the Lord.

    • Sharon

      I believe every word of you have written. Unity in spirit, no agendas but to obey and follow His lead.

  5. Emily K Wheatley

    I am in agreement

  6. Jason Alvarez

    So interesting! I woke up this morning sort of preaching in my mind as if I were a person of influence, and talking about breaking down the walls of division that divided us and focusing on what we have in common – brothers and sisters in Christ. I referenced Catholics and Protestants, democrats and Republicans; what is important is our belief in God our Creator and Jesus our Savior. Accept our differences and focus on love and our Mission. The Holy Spirit is Speaking!!


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