Be careful not to misinterpret what is taking place. Assumptions are not reliable interpreters. Societal upheaval, anarchy, and deception are responses of hell to a work of God’s Spirit. A new wind from Heaven is blowing, and it will uproot everything, even the confidence we have in our ability to discern what is taking place.
Last night a new weather pattern shifted in the valley where we live. A strong wind announced the change. The sound of that strong wind was so loud it woke us up from deep sleep to remind us that the weather pattern had changed, and a different weather system had arrived.
A wind from Heaven is blowing through our culture. It is waking many from the slumber of assumption. A shaking of all things is beginning to take place. The moorings linking people to false foundations will be snapped under the wind’s increasing velocity.
This is the wind of a new Pentecost. It will confront both the culture and the Church. The effects of this wind are why we are seeing so much dangerous debris flying through the air of our personal interactions and online commentary. What stands in the way of the wind of revival and resulting reformation will not be able to withstand the force of the Spirit’s wind. Do not try to protect what God wants to displace.
The wind will test all things. Let go of everything and allow the wind to test its integrity. What is true and not tied to human preference will remain intact. While the wind increases its intensity in the coming days, only the heart of God will remain a secure foundation and a safe place to anchor your life and your future.
Alleluia! Let the wind blow.
Thank you, Garris, for steadfastly encouraging us to take a second look and consider God’s perspective against our own to consider if there might be a better way. I like the new format, though I miss words being in full black. Art directors seem to like to grey down the words for appearance’s sake, but I like the readability of black and white best. Also running such wide columns makes it difficult to expand and read a whole column at a time for those of us who like to read writ large. And your writing I would say deserves to be read in large words.
Thank you Garris for many timely words. I am reminded when Jesus said in Matt 7:24-27 about a foolish man who built his house on the sands and when a strong wind came, it destroyed the house. The Winds of the Spirit are blowing and we, who center and focus our lives on Jesus, abiding and listening to Him daily (in prayer meditation and intimacy with Him) are building His house into our lives and Spirit Man.
When the Winds of the Spirit come, we will not be moved. In fact, others will see our determination and strengths and give us an opportunity to tell others about where our foundation is!
Be blessed, be strong, be courageous in these times. Jesus lives strongly in us- His church.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness and boldness in proclaiming Heaven’s meaning & intention in all that is shaking and quaking on the earth! Just discovered you on Elijah List this morning Oct. 15…I see it as when the student is ready the teacher appears. I had been wondering if I missed God in all this turmoil fear disasters plagues violence occurring all around the world. Your words from the Throne Room brings clarity with understanding of ecclesia’s role in it all..much appreciation and prayers going up for you your wife and for continued ministry to the body!