There is a faith that can only discovered when our current measure
of faith is finally exhausted. It is in
this depleted place that the essence of a pure faith is finally discovered. It is here where our emptiness and desperation
cause us to reach for something not yet seen. All other measures of faith up to this point were diluted with options
of self-rescue and visible steps forward formed by human wisdom and reasoning.
These faithless places are a preparation for something
greater – something that requires a faith that draws its strength from a total dependence
upon God because you have nothing left to offer. You may feel like you have failed having
found yourself in this place of faithlessness, but you haven’t. You have arrived at a desperate juncture where
only the supernatural God of Heaven can make the way forward. Trust Him. It is
in this place that miracles happen because God is your only option and your
only way forward.