My wife, Jan, just wrote and released this powerful blessing.
Blessing of Suddenlies
Isaiah 29:1-8
Isaiah prophesies sudden deliverance, which is fulfilled and recorded in chapter 37:36-38. He is not only speaking about a specific time in history, but a truth about what God is like for His people and towards their enemies.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
I bless your spirit with the wonder
of living in His presence,
in His preserving favor.
Whether experiencing great blessing
or distress, you are always directly
face to face with Him.
When trouble hems you in on all sides,
keep looking to God—persevere in hope.
If you are humbled by adversity
and under great stress and duress,
if you are filled with sorrow and fear—
your voice reduced to a whispered prayer—
believe deeper still in God’s word to you.
He has already spoken a word of deliverance!
Your enemy considers himself powerful,
yet that is how completely he is deceived:
he is culpable and he will be humbled;
his power doesn’t compare
to the awesome ease of divine action.
This is what God is like:
He will dispatch the threat,
completely removing it—
forgotten as though just a dream.
Divine deliverance will happen suddenly;
in a dramatic, last-minute instant—
it will happen!
I bless you with new faith,
refusing to live by working the system
and by practicing religion,
yet not believing God’s word.
Without minimizing human culpability
and the reality of evil in the world,
may you no longer be run around
by the noisy sounds of discord:
no longer live as though you
are at the mercy of earthly forces;
no longer live as though you are dealing
with secondary causes.
You are blessed with a direct face to face
relationship with the Lord Almighty
in every circumstance.
Though His mercies may seem delayed,
He will not delay—
He will never fail you:
He is sovereign in history,
He is your Higher Reality,
He will preserve you,
He will have the last word—
and it is a word of deliverance.