by | Dec 26, 2023 | Prophetic | 1 comment

I’ve been reading through the book of Jeremiah. It has been a depressing read even though an occasional nugget of hope will appear in its pages. Chapter after chapter we see Israel disobeying God and the Lord sending foreign troops to overcome them. I was exhausted by the people’s failures and with God for having to punish His kids yet again. This morning, I came away with a ray of hope. I am glad and so thankful to have been born into this covenant and living under the all-encompassing sacrifice of Jesus.

Paul wrote to the Romans, “For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands” (3:20).  That rightness with God can only accomplished one way – “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ” (vs.22). As I continue to read through Jeremiah, I am experiencing a deepening appreciation for God sending His Son to pay for our sin and offering us the completed work of His salvation.

I have also come to believe we cannot preach a message of hope in its fullness without knowing the history that led up to the hope we now share in Christ. That comparison can turn a depressing read into one of joy and thanksgiving. 

1 Comment

  1. Sam

    That is a great perspective! It was not until reading Irresistible by Andy Stanley that the clarity of the covenants of Old and New Testaments were clarified for me. And here you are, once again, putting an exclamation mark behind the difference, the hope created with the coming of Jesus. I enjoy reading your work, so insightful. Thank you!


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