by | Apr 18, 2023 | Prophetic | 5 comments

Last Sunday, Jan and I were speaking at Empowered Life Church in Talent, Oregon. My friend, Ivan Roman, is the pastor of the church. He was in New York on a speaking engagement, so he asked me to cover the preaching assignment in his absence.

As we began to worship, my attention was drawn to the two large screens that projected the lyrics to the worship songs. The screens had a unique background. The background was of distant stars in space and revealed the kind of constellations only seen by the images captured in deep space by the Hubble Space Telescope. The longer I worshiped the more my attention was drawn to those images of outer space. I knew the Lord was forming a prophetic word. I realized that word was not just for those in attendance last Sunday at Empowered Life Church. It would have meaning and application for all of us reading these words.

I recently listened to a lecture by an astrophysicist. He was talking about heady things like quantum physics and mathematical probabilities. His lecture ventured into the limitations and challenges of travel into deep space. He told the audience we will not be able to travel to those distant destinations using our current propulsion systems. We will run out of fuel long before we arrive. 

The lecturer said a possibility exists that in the distant future, we might discover a parallel universe and a portal that allows us to enter that universe to travel in a less restricted environment to reach the depths of space at speeds and levels of endurance not available in this realm. If such a universe does exist, it is a created place, not spiritual or supernatural. It is simply a place advanced beyond our current imagination. It is only supernatural to a mind not living within its reality.

As we continued to worship and watched the words of the worship songs being projected atop images of deep space, the Lord formed a prophetic word I would deliver to the church that morning.

“Some of you are trying to exhibit your faith using the propulsion systems of the flesh, not the Spirit. What the Lord wants to do is to move you into the realm of the Spirit to travel at speeds of faith you cannot even comprehend when moving without the restrictions of time and space.”

We are living in a physical realm filled with restrictions and hindrances that appear to impede the fulfillment of what God has promised. When we meet an obstacle standing in the way of a promise from God we need to step out of this realm into the realm of the Spirit to retrieve words of faith only available in that realm. 

Some of the things we are praying for cannot be accomplished by the calculations and resources available to us in the natural realm. They must be imported from the heavenly realm and brought into this life to accomplish on Earth what is present and alive in the realm of the Spirit but considered an impossibility in our world. In those moments, we choose to step out of this realm into the realm of the Spirit which is not a parallel universe. It is an overarching reality and a place of authority above all realms where limitations and restrictions live in submission to the power of God. When we move at the speed of faith employing the miraculous spiritual propulsion system of Heaven, natural obstacles and limitations will be overcome allowing us to reach miraculous destinations not thought possible when we interpreted the fulfillment of God’s promises through the lens of a lesser reality.


  1. Jeff McLeod

    This is brain-boggling yet so valid and very much needed. I think of Enoch and Elijah, Lazarus, the Widow of Nain’s Son, and our precious God Man Savior, the Lord Christ Jesus. They touched the unseen dimension and became supernatural Time Travelers. To think we can bring the supernatural into manifestation in the Earth Realm truly is remarkable, yet we live from a different dimension that what our physical senses normally experience. Kingdom Come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, Father.

  2. Anna McIver

    5/12/18 “You cannot imagine what you are about to do,”

    (spoken to a prayer group..)

  3. kevin


  4. Rosemary

    This word is so good. I saw it on Elijah Lust Facebook, but am not sure how to practically access this realm in order to bring things into my reality. I’m wanting to apply this to certain health issues. Thank you.

  5. Denise

    I enjoyed this blog post and the sermon that went along with it. Could you tell me the verse that your wife read in the podcast? I listened twice and didn’t pick it up. Thank you!


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