by | Oct 25, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

A rise in understanding among those not affiliated with a formal position within a group or a denomination is beginning to surface. These unrecognized ones will help us interpret Scripture.

The words of Scripture were written for the common folk. They were not written to be interpreted by those who have held a longer season within a systematic form of theology, a popular form of public opinion, or even an advanced degree.

Listen for the unfamiliar ones who are not within those realms. We need to listen to those voices beyond the experts. God is speaking.


  1. Dawn R Kludt

    yes, He is. stay on Adonais’ side.

  2. Dan Lundy

    Childlike Jesus loved the hearts of the kids and the simple trust that went along with that.
    Thanks Garris. Right on!


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