Recently, I was praying for someone who is experiencing a challenging time in life. As I prayed, I began to declare over them God’s heart for their future. I decreed the victory of the Lord’s resurrection and finally, I began to prophesy over them whatever the Spirit revealed. It was the kind of prayer that comes from our position sitting together with Jesus upon His throne. It was a Heaven to Earth prayer. That kind of prayer was the subject of my first book, Prayers from the Throne of God.
When I finished praying for this person, declaring, decreeing, and prophesying over them, my faith in God’s intervention in their life rose to a new level of hope. There is something powerful and empowering when we see a person from Heaven’s perspective. I prayed knowing that no real change will happen until the Lord reveals Himself. What I was praying to be released was an unlikely platform of a calling that would be revealed at some point in the future that the Lord would use to fulfill His will in the person’s life.
An unusual and unexpected platform for Paul’s apostolic future life was revealed on the Road to Damascus. At that moment, the change in Paul’s life was not believed to be possible. So, it will be for the person I mentioned for whom I have been praying. Too much stands in the way of a natural mind to believe such transformations are possible.
Before us are people who are candidates for unlikely platforms of faith that are ready to be released. Those platforms seem impossible if not for God’s intervention. Do not interpret how a prayer of faith will work by what we see in a person’s life. These interventions are formed and released from Heaven.
When we declare God’s goodness over a person, we will begin to see them differently, from the Lord’s perspective. As we release decrees empowered by the Lord’s resurrection power, the anchors of bondage that hold them captive will be loosened. And then, as we begin to prophesy over them, a future platform will be revealed that will be used by the Lord to bring their calling into existence.
Never give up on these kinds of prayers that seem impossible to imagine or fulfill. Those prayers have the power to change a life in radical and unexpected ways.