by | Aug 18, 2022 | Prophetic | 2 comments

We have entered a moment in history where our bravado, self-confidence, and preparation will not be enough to protect us from the predatory spirits that roam among us. A manifestation of God’s supernatural protection will be revealed in life and death situations that will amaze us.

Yesterday, I posted a short video about an encounter with a black bear on a trail above our home. The bear I encountered looked like a twin to the one in the photo.  I was able to move away from the bear without incident but I knew the situation could change in an instant.

For those who think a black bear is a cuddly Smokey Bear creature, 61 people have been killed by black bears since 1900. That doesn’t account for all the non-fatal attacks. A black bear bite strength is 980 psi. Most black bear encounters end with the bear running away, but…there is always a chance that ending might not happen for the unwise and unprepared. 

When I was a cop, I was a Combat Firearms Instructor and co-captain of our department pistol team. I was designated as a Distinguished Master competitor. I know handguns. I’ve lived in Montana and talked with guides who had bear encounters. We all agree while it might be comforting to carry a big bore revolver, the chance of making a kill shot on a charging bear is minimal. Bear spray is a good choice, but it might not work in all instances depending on which direction the wind is blowing.

All the predator-gun-bear spray talk is simply a way to example a reality. We are living in a time of history where governments, large corporations acting as government mouthpieces, and their blind and naïve followers can look like the bear I met on the trail yesterday. Even with the best of our preparation, such encounters can leave us feeling weak compared to the predator(s) we are facing.  Fear makes us consumable.

Our lives will resemble Daniel surviving in the lion’s den. The supernatural rescue of God will become a repeated phenomenon in the coming days. These rescues will become undeniable evidence that God is actively involved in our lives.

The Lord knows the jeopardy faced by those who carry His truth into dangerous situations. The only way we will survive those encounters is to place our trust in God’s deliverance. From that place of trust new levels of faith will be released to calm the fear such encounters will create. That faith will give us the courage to continue speaking the truth in love as we walk among the predators who see us as prey. Those over-confident predators will soon experience the devastating protective power of the Lion of Heaven.


  1. Anna McIver

    Thinking.. the uncomfortable place you must stand in to reveal truth.. Thank you Sir.. for your courage..

  2. Emery Smith

    As Anna has shared, I too am grateful for the Beacon of HOPE you and Jan are in the beautiful Rogue Valley. Thank you for serving the Body of Jesus Christ.
    Our daypacks are filled with the Truths of GOD you have shared with us. The journey is long and challenging but it leads HOME.


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