Last week I walked out of my office and down the hall into the lobby of the church. As I stepped into the lobby a man called out to me and asked if he could have a moment of my time. I just so happened to be free and invited him back to my office.
There was great joy on this man’s face as he introduced himself and mentioned his connection with me. We had met at someone’s home about six years earlier at a party. I vaguely remember the meeting. I asked, “What can I do for you today?” He immediately responded, “God healed me!” He went on to say that he had growths in his colon and cancer spots on his liver. In just the last few days his doctors checked his colon and the growths were gone. His liver came back clear also. He had a good reason to be excited.
I asked him how these healings took place and he said that his granddaughter, a young woman in our church, laid hands on him and prayed for his healing. He was not sure if anything had happened until the doctors gave him the good news. He said he had joy growing inside of him.
The Lord prompted me to ask him a question, “What are you going to do with it?” The man said, “Do with what?” I said, “The healing.” I told him that God had given him a wonderful gift and that he was to share it with other people. He went on to tell me that he did not go to church. I said that didn’t matter at this time. I asked, “Do you know the Lord?” He said that he did and that years ago he had asked the Lord to be his Saviour. He just didn’t go to church.
I felt like I was giving this man a prescription when I said, “You need to leave my office and go down to the nearest Wal-mart and stand there waiting for people who are physically broken to walk by. I said the Holy Spirit would prompt him who to approach and share about his healing. I told the man that his words would fill the air with faith. His faith would displace their hopelessness. I mentioned that he could then ask if he could do for them what his granddaughter did for him -pray for their healing.
The man left my office after we talked for a few minutes more. He was now a man on assignment. I may never know if he followed through on the prescription or not.
The question I posed to the man, “What are you going to do with it?” pertains to all of us who have had God touch our lives. It really is not enough to be a blessing collector. God wants to bless each of us with many wonderful things and then have us turn around and touch others with a similar blessing in His name. Living this kind of life changes everything.