Many are asking, “what’s next?” as it refers to the affairs of the Church, and our nation. The writer of Proverbs said it so well 3,000 years ago.
“So, follow the steps of the good, and stay on the paths of the righteous. For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain in it. But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the treacherous will be uprooted” (Proverbs 2: 20-22).
A removal and an unrooting of ungodly principles and practices is beginning to take place. Those who are following in the steps of goodness and have endured ridicule, shaming, and mockery for the sake of righteousness will remain in places of influence and prosper. All other influences will be disempowered. This removal and uprooting of wickedness will come by the hand of God, not by any human campaign.
So, what’s next? God is getting ready to move in the Church and within nations in unprecedented ways. The toppling of false dominoes of deception that have been seen as immovable will begin to take place in a dizzying display when the truth is revealed. When this begins to take place and threats and condemnation intensify, put your trust in the Lord’s faithfulness to perform what He promised. As you look to the Lord for guidance regarding your future, place your feet in the footprints of His revelation and walk forward in fearless faith. If we are willing to take those courageous steps amid overwhelming opposition, we will live to see remarkable and historic things happen that many said would be impossible, if it were not for God.