At this time of year, after having our Thanksgiving Day gatherings and now moving full steam into the Christmas season, many of us are counting and recounting our blessings of family, friends, and home. Those are good and wonderful things to experience and treasure.
I was reading through the book of Hebrews and came across the following verse. “And when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy” (Hebrews 10:34). Those were startling and uncomfortable words to read as I sat in the comfort of my writing chair holding a cup of coffee in a warm home. I love my life, my family, and my home. The thought of having any of that taken from me is sorrow-filled consideration.
The writer of Hebrews was referencing the faith of his readers asking them to think back on their early days of following Jesus and how they had remained faithful. Here is what was written that led up to the stark observation made in verse 34.
“Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering. Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever. (Hebrews 10:32-34).
I spend time in prayer each day trying to discern what is taking place in the realm of the Spirit that will be lived out in the realm of the natural. What I see or hear is not always appreciated by some yet celebrated by others. There are things coming to us that will be used to winnow the Church. In the winnowing great loss could take place that will limit our personal liberty and even take away our property all because we made a choice to not compromise our integrity and our faith.
The only way we can live with hope in a time when all is stripped away is by knowing something better is waiting for us as we suffer unimaginable loss. “You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever” (vs. 34).
As the dawning of the year 2023 is upon us, those of us who profess Christ need to recalibrate our faith to discover where our hope is sourced. If we truly understand better things are waiting for us, even in the depths of our greatest loss, hope will not be lost because the Lord will become our greatest treasure – a treasure never in jeopardy of loss no matter what this life brings our way.
> If we truly understand better things are waiting for us, even in the depths of our greatest loss, hope will not be lost because the Lord will become our greatest treasure – a treasure never in jeopardy of loss no matter what this life brings our way.
Probably the most important message the Church in the US can hear right now. Our prosperity gospel has lead us to a fragile faith.
As I look at my family sitting cozy in our warm and spacious home this winter, it breaks my heart to think about taking away their earthly comforts! But I know harder *earthly* times are ahead. It’s takes considerable effort to remind myself to be like the sparrows the lilies who depend entirely on the Father and prosper for it!
In my flesh, I beg the Lord for a tender and merciful hand in 2023. In my spirit, I suspect that might not be best for the Kingdom.