by | Mar 29, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

When undeniable truth appears and becomes obvious to the spiritually minded those facts will still be denied by people who refuse to believe the truth no matter how clear the truth becomes. The most visible works of God, works that are undeniable to a rational mind, will not change the thinking of an irrational person.  That is why only an encounter with Jesus Christ has the power to change how someone thinks and lives.

We cannot educate or argue a person out of an irrational denial of truth, especially as they continue to vehemently deny the evidence of the truth that is standing before them in undeniable clarity. Nothing has the transformative power equal to a personal encounter with the risen Lord.

These have been defined by some as desperate times. To a mind looking only through a natural lens of interpretation that would be a logical assessment. For those who view this time of human desperation through the lens of God’s Spirit, this is a time of tremendous opportunity even as irrational deniers of truth seem to have the loudest voice and the most prominent place in the public square. We must never abandon hope wringing our hands in despair at what we see taking place, or we will begin to look for salvation in things that cannot produce hope. Those empty promises will take us deeper into hopelessness.

A shift is upon us. It is not a shift for those outside God’s Kingdom. This shift is happening among God’s people bringing us back to true hope. That shift will redeposit our trust once again in God alone knowing He will be faithful to perform what He promised to encounter people in such a profound way that all their irrational denials of truth will melt away in the presence of God’s love.  Nothing else has the power to change an irrational world for the better. 

1 Comment

  1. Cheryl Myrick

    Yes, this is the gospel truth. Jesus, please let Yourself be known to my son, Your son, once again. Give him an encounter so profound that Ian will never deny You again.

    Lord, also I pray that you open the spiritual eyes of Shelby, Bailey, & Kandaice Dyer to know & love You & live their lives for You, our reasonable & privileged service for You are Worthy of our all. We are not our own. You bought us at the highest cost, Your very blood & life in our place to remove all sin & the eternal consequences of it defeating satan & death bringing us back into right relationship with You for Your Glory. I thank You & I worship You alone.

    Thank You Lord for Garris & Jan Elkins & Your ministry in & through them. We love You Precious Jesus, Lord, Friend, Savior, Ancient of Days & so very much more, You, The Great I Am. Your Will continue to be done on earth as in heaven. Use us more & more for Your plans & purposes to come to pass. Halleluyah forever as we worship, honor, praise, & live for You alone, our very Breath of Life, Holy & Majestic, Sovereign, Righteous & Pure Justice & Love always. To You may we be True. Amen.


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