The most profound change in a human being takes place at a deeper level than the imposition of a law that forces compliance or in a group dynamic where your acceptance is based on your agreement. These changes take place in the sphere of human passion where we respond to life out of our commitment to God to be a responsible parent, a faithful friend or a trusted co-worker. Unless this personal passion is ignited by the Spirit we will remain unchanged.
In this place of deeply held personal conviction is where the Lord does His most profound work. When a righteous passion rises to meet the passion of the Lord, no social or personal ill can resist its transforming power.
Until we experience this passion for personal and cultural transformation, we will not commit to the struggle required to bring about change in our lives and in culture. Without a Spirit-empowered passion we will not have the emotional and spiritual strength required to move forward in our calling.
Ask God to align your passion with His passion. When that shared passion is realized and experienced a pure passion fueled by the Spirit will begin to rise within you to transform not only your life but the lives of those around you.
“Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list” (Matthew 22:37 The Message).