by | May 28, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

During certain seasons of life, we will walk through a darkened landscape where it’s difficult to see the way forward. In those moments, we need to slow down to ensure we are placing our feet on the solid ground of truth not assuming our next step.

Before we take our next step, we need to wait and allow the Lord to illuminate where to place our feet. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105). 

The Lord will always be faithful to illuminate our next step, not the entire pathway of our obedience. Psalm 119 was referencing a small, single-wick lamp used to navigate a passage through the night. It only gave enough light to see the next step. It was not a modern-day 1000-lumen flashlight that brightly reveals everything in the path of its beam.

We tend to want God to reveal all the steps in front of us before we take our first step of obedience. The lamp of God doesn’t work that way. While the ultimate destination of a vision can be revealed, the steps leading to the fulfillment of that vision can be circuitous moving us through spiritual and emotional terrain littered with things that can stumble us if we are moving forward in assumption. A walk of faith is made up of individual illuminated steps that require a continual inquiry of the Lord to make sure the path is clear, and we have permission to step.

Today, don’t take the next step until either the written word of God or a rhema word of God in the form of a confirming word of prophecy gives you the illumination and permission to take your next step. When you do take your next step, the light of God’s truth will have revealed where to place your feet. That is the reward of faith when it’s exercised in a dark place.


  1. Jeff McLeod

    Such an encouraging and enlightening word and it is chocked full of pertinent and timely counsel for our Family in a time of significant transition. Thank you!

  2. kevin

    Thank you Garris!


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