2015 – The Year Of……
….whatever you need it to be. Paul wrote that God will supply all your needs according to the riches found in the depository of His glory. This is more than just meeting your financial needs – it applies to all areas of your life and ministry.
God’s involvement upon the earth is larger in scope than a single declaration made by any prophet. He is working as uniquely to fulfill your needs as He is on a larger scale for the fulfillment of the destiny of a city or a nation.
Seek the Lord specifically for your personal life and needs. Listen for His voice to speak a word with your name on it. Once you hear this word, fill in the blank after the words, “2015 – The Year Of….” and begin to define this new year according to the measure of your faith. Once you make this declaration your faith will open your eyes to look with a renewed hope at places where before you only saw need and emptiness.