by | Aug 14, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

In this time of despair turn your eyes to Heaven. Within the great cloud of witnesses who live forever in the presence of Jesus, there is a special group – those who knew you in this life. Along with the others in the heavenly host, they are cheering you on through this rough patch seeing both the beginning and the end of all things. These witnesses of God’s faithfulness stand in the presence of the Alpha and Omega drawing their encouragement from His great love for you.

If you could reach through the veil, you would touch the unimaginable. You would feel the loving and encouraging hands of those in the cloud who knew you in earthly time but now speak from a place of complete and absolute victory over everything, including this momentary sorrow you are experiencing.

1 Comment

  1. Riekie Dalm

    That’s the second time in 24 hours I’ve been encouraged to look at the cloud of witnesses. However never with the thought if those who knew me. What a huge encouragement it is to my heart to see the smiling faces of those who cheered me on here,now cheering me on from heavenly places. Thank you Garris


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