If you look deeper than the news headlines we are being fed you will begin to see the spiritual forces behind the decisions and policies that are negatively affecting people’s lives. That deeper discovery is where the efforts of our spiritual activity should be primarily focused. These realities are where we can do some of our most significant spiritual warfare. Sadly, many do not see this and when it is pointed out to them they have been told to affix a label of dismissal and move on with life as uninformed as ever.
Henry Kissinger was an adviser to multiple Presidents over the span of several administrations. He once commented, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” We see Kissinger’s comment playing out before our eyes. It is too easy to focus on the problems Kissinger pointed out without digging deeper to discover the spirit(s) who are pulling the puppet strings on the most visible players in those attempts at control.
Currently, farmers do not have enough fertilizer to grow crops. Nations who desire to displace the United States are buying up our farmland. Europe is facing a dire energy crisis and it is being forecast this winter that death by freezing is not out of the question for some European nations. A central currency run by a global central bank has been proposed and the first steps toward that goal are being implemented. This centralization will be an attempt to control the flow of currency, a currency that will no longer be in paper or coin form but digital. It will be digital because it can be monitored, traced, and in some cases, cause access to available funds to be restricted.
Why is any of this important? It is important because it harms people. Censorship, ignorance, and naivety have allowed dark forces to do great harm to families, cities, and nations. The only intervention and redirection of these forces will come from a praying Church that sees through the layers of our prepared illusion to uncover the real targets of our prayers.
Peeling back the layers of what we have been told and taught to believe will reveal the underlying motivators of what is happening globally. Those willing to take such a step will be met by scorn and dismissal by those who cannot see the deeper reality that is being allowed to freely conduct its business beneath the assumed surface narrative.
Don’t wait for anyone or any group to inform you. Take that task upon yourself to become an informed believer so you can pray and righteously act against the pain and sorrow being perpetrated upon innocent people. This is what Paul described as speaking the truth in love, and it is what Jesus meant when He instructed us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Thank you Garris
Is there any particular real news source you recommend?
I echo this question:)
We shouldn’t be surprised at what’s taking place but it’s so sad. I know what the weapons of our warfare are and the important to fight the good fight. The signs of the times are getting closer all the time. It’s kind of surreal at the speed of what’s happening to the world we live in. This should encourage Christians all the more to focus on bringing others to come to Jesus. Appreciate you brother great word.
I’m interested in getting involved.