A Supernatural Detonation is Taking Place

by | Oct 23, 2021 | Prophetic | 7 comments

In the last few months, over 20,000 corrupt leaders in positions of power and influence have been removed from office in over 100 nations. A toppling of evil leadership is beginning to take place. 

This week, Jan and I received an email message from a friend who is part of a ministry called Operation Just Cause. His email was in response to something Jan wrote titled “All Fall Down.” I will let his email speak for itself.

“As encouragement, I offer that “All Fall Down” today also includes the growing results of Operation Just Cause, an initiative that four saints started in April (Planning Mobilization in April, May, June) and launched on July 4. To date, we have recorded the removal of over 19,200 wicked or corrupt leaders from power in over 100 nations. Some of their positions will never be refilled (sex, drug, and human traffickers plus worshippers of Satan and false Gods) while others will soon be replaced with God-fearing men and women (government posts, police, financial institutions, etc.).”

“In the days ahead, we expect news about the arrest, death, or other events causing the collapse of certain businesses, NGOs, and even corrupt governmental regimes and the mandate for replacement with righteous ones.”

“Every prayer, praise, proclamation, and prophecy are received in heaven, then amplified and returned like a laser into the heart, soul, and minds of the human enemies. Initially, it is a reminder of every opportunity for grace and repentance ever extended to them – conviction of sin – righteousness – and judgment. If they repent and remain faithful, they are spared. If they refuse and return to evil covenants, they enter into judgment of Father’s determination and their own making.”

A day after this email exchange took place, we received another email letting us know the number of leaders removed had climbed to over 20,000.

What we are seeing is a spiritual operation much like the sappers of old who in a military siege would dig tunnels under the walls of seemingly impregnable fortress walls to set explosive charges. Those charges would then be detonated at the direction of the Commanding Officer at a moment of tactical opportunity breaching the wall and allowing the advancing troops to enter and gain victory.

Jesus, our Commanding Officer, has assembled our prayers, acts of worship, and prophetic declarations and set them under the gates of hell. He is calling forth a detonation at this time in history. Do not ever lose hope and think that your acts of faithfulness to pray, worship, and make prophetic declarations is of no effect. The weapons of our warfare and their immediate effect are not easily assessed because they function in the unseen realm of the Spirit. Paul said of this kind of spiritual warfare “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” ( II Corinthians 10:4). All that you have done in the name of Jesus in obedience to His voice has been set as supernatural charges to bring down the strongholds of hell and those who work in partnership with hellish agendas. Great change is on the horizon.

“You have already won a victory over those people because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world” (I John 4:4).


  1. Anna McIver

    Yesterday during our time of prayer in the Spirit.. The word EXPLOSION came.. This must be that..

  2. Angela Gehring

    Very encouraging word. I continue to say YES to praying, declaring Gods love over the nations and worshiping Him for who He is, all He has done and all He will do! Thank you Garris.
    *Where can I read Jan’s writing, All Fall Down? Facebook?

  3. Emma Rodgers

    Thank you Jesus! We are going to see the Victory in your name!
    You are the Name above all names and worthy of all praise!

  4. Patricia L Prim

    Are there more details on these people who have lost their positions due to their actions?

  5. Delia. Kronk

    I really hope this is happening in Australia right now. Please share as much as you can about this great news.

  6. Richard Barker

    Marvellous news and am interested in reblogging with full accreditation – is that ok? It may relate to the ‘October Surprise’ word Amanda Grace received at end-August.

    Thank you for being a blessing.

  7. Richard Barker

    Reblogged 31st Oct with this intro: ‘In connection with prophecies of the Lord’s global shakedown of evil, Garris Elkins brings highly encouraging news, albeit without specific details, in his Prophetic Horizons blog of 23rd October,’

    Although doubtless confidential, it will be good to get some specific corroboration of this news Garris


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