by | Sep 14, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

As it happens on some mornings, I will write something and just when I am ready to publish the content, I get a pause from the Lord. It’s not a pause regarding the content of what I had written. It is a pause that has to do with the timing of its release making way for different content. Today, an image would replace what I initially intended to write.

The image was of a person buried in a grave with a headstone detailing the date of their birth and death and a short memorable script denoting the kind of life they lived. The Lord came to the grave and removed the headstone. When the headstone was removed, the person rose to live a new and different life. This wasn’t a physical resurrection. It was a resurrection that allowed them to rise above a way of thinking that led them to a premature death of Kingdom thinking and the sabotage of God’s mission for their life.

A Great Awakening, something we have heard will take place before the Lord’s return, will require a resurrection of thinking of those who have died in a place of deception. All our passionate arguments and our strongest supportive evidence of the need for a new way of thinking, cannot produce this kind of resurrection. Only God can call people from a place of death into new life. These resurrections will be an indicator that a Great Awakening is upon us. 


  1. Lori Wills

    I love this image and message!!

  2. Julie Bowman

    Looking forward to this! Thank you!


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