Family is listed as
one of the 7 mountains of cultural influence. If that is correct, maybe its
time to rethink the role of motherhood. Just for context, the other 6 mountains
are Government, Religion, Economy, Education, Media and Arts/Entertainment.
Those six mountains seem powerful and more culture altering than…Family, but that
is mistake in discernment.
I was recently
teaching on the subject of the 7 mountains of culture when the Lord dropped an
unscripted revelation into my teaching about the role of mothers in the
mountain of Family. I am a father. Much of what I am writing will also apply to
fathers, but the Lord wanted me to specifically highlight mothers.
Many have relegated
motherhood to a quaint, tuck the kids into bed, bake the pie and clean a kid’s snotty
nose kind of job. For sure a loving mother will do all of those things. But
there is more – significantly more to that role.
If you are a mom, I
want to challenge you to see yourself in a different context. You have the
potential to become a one-woman apostolic sending agency. Every child you raise has a Kingdom assignment in one of the 7 mountains of culture. I write this to
wake up that calling in you. From your child’s first breath begin to cultivate the
unique gifts they carry. Speak prophetically into their developing mind to
displace the lies they will hear each day.
Help them see who they are in Christ. Cultivate their identity with your
words. Sacrifice for their education and training to prepare them to release
the passion in their heart. You have been called to raise children with a
Kingdom mindset and send them out to influence the mountains of culture.
Moms who are able
to understand this unique assignment are dangerous and hell knows it. You will
take hits from people who see you only as the soccer team chauffeur, your
family’s domestic arm or a women who left her dreams at the wedding altar, but
you are not any of that – you are more! We
honor your vital role in developing those who will climb the 7 mountains of