by Garris Elkins | Mar 6, 2019 | Family, Father, Intimacy, Love, Marriage
I’m guessing I kiss or hug Jan at least 10 times a day. Our love involves a continuous intimate physical encounter. Jesus did not come as a vaporous spirit. He came to incarnate a physical representation of God’s love. Don’t settle for a stale...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 1, 2019 | Creativity, Discipleship, Faith, Father, Future, Gifts, Holy Spirit, Obedience, Provision, Relationships, Trust, Wisdom
Like most people, I buy my shoes at a department store. I know my size so I pick from what is available on the shelves. I did the same with a pair of western boots I own. Some people call them “cowboy boots.” Like any shoe, it takes a while for boots to mold to your...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 15, 2019 | Faithfulness, Family, Father, Fear, Forgivness, Freedom, Hope, Joy, Love
Yesterday, while scanning a few Facebook posts, I came across two profound comments. Both comments were about two long-time friends of mine. These are real friends I have processed the challenges of life with face-to-face. One friend, David, was being honored by his...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 13, 2019 | Faith, Family, Father, Fear, God, Hope, Intimacy
Those who write the headlines do not always portray the truth. This applies to the news, but more importantly, it applies to you and how you think God sees you. What others broadcast about you is not the real story of your life. Only God knows your heart. He is the...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 2, 2019 | Deliverance, Father, Fear, Future, Miracles, Power
In the coming year, many of you will experience unusual and unimagined rescue and deliverance from deep and entrenched places of spiritual warfare. Until your release takes place the spiritual conflict will intensify and in some cases, become overwhelming. Your...
by Garris Elkins | Oct 23, 2018 | Apostle, Church, Courage, Eternity, Father, God, Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Love, Promotion, Reformation, Teaching, Tranistion, Wisdom, Worship
Yesterday, a hero of mine passed away. Eugene Peterson was known to many for his translation of the Bible called, The Message. I was able to correspond with Eugene a couple of times over the last few years. We talked about writing and leadership. He said he looked...