by Garris Elkins | Mar 6, 2019 | Courage, Death, Deliverance, Discipleship, Fear, Freedom, Healing, Hope, Intimacy, Jesus, Joy, Marriage, Mercy, Miracles, Reconciliation, Rest, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare
A massive landslide took place last week on the Oregon coast. The landslide is almost a mile in length. It has displaced the coast highway downslope toward the ocean turning the highway into an impassible mass of crumbled asphalt and dirt. It looks like the remnants...
by Garris Elkins | Mar 4, 2019 | Culture, Discipline, Freedom, Future, Intimacy, Jesus, Obedience, Promotion, Wisdom
Every intersection of life has a word from the Lord in place that will function as a traffic signal. As you approach these intersections read the signals carefully and wisely. Some have sped through these intersections without wisdom and their assumptions...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 25, 2019 | Death, Deliverance, Faith, Family, Freedom, Hope, Jesus, Joy, Promotion, Trust
This morning I awoke to my 25,240thmorning on Earth. Lord willing, I will awake to number 25,241. I have prepared the coffee pot, planned a BBQ and scheduled some errands for tomorrow. As the evening approaches, I am asking the Lord to reveal the assumptions He wants...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 17, 2019 | Discipline, Forgiveenss, God, Jesus, Love, Relationships
When I find myself not particularly liking someone or when I sense the first pulse beat of a hardening heart toward them I will go out of my way to affirm the person. I might pray and ask God to bless them or hit a “like” button on their social media account or send...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 28, 2019 | Destiny, Discipline, Freedom, Future, Jesus, Obedience, Prayer, Revelation, Spiritual Warfare
Years ago, I got up early in the morning while it was still dark and thought I was late for work. I hustled out of bed, showered and got dressed. After I was fully dressed and still thinking I was late, I looked at the kitchen clock and it read 1:30 am. I was not a...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 17, 2019 | Church, Courage, Discipline, Faith, Five-Fold Ministry, Freedom, Jesus, Kingdom of God, Pentecost, Power, Prophecy, Reformation, Revelation, Wisdom
The most significant prophetic voices are not always those who capture the most social media attention or get invited to speak at conferences advertised with garish slick-page ads or who sell the most “product.” That is a narrow arena of Kingdom influence many times...