by | Oct 30, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Many times, we interpret life as a series of chain reactions. One event must take place before the next event can happen. That is a natural way of interpreting life. Natural events follow a sequential unfolding, but when God is at work, He is not limited by the unfolding order of events produced by natural chain reactions.

As the phrase “chain reaction” indicates, the reaction that affects a chain of events moves along the line of time influencing what is connected before and after the reaction-creating event. When we focus on the reactive event we can lose our focus, concentrating only on the natural unfolding of what is taking place. Our misguided focus will divert our attention away from the possibility that an interruption from God of a natural chain reaction is possible as He invades time and the natural order to do something we would identify as a sign, wonder, or miracle.

More than at any time in my life, I am convinced the future belongs to those who can look up and beyond the natural chain reactions that are causing concern for so many. They are the ones who will anticipate the interventions of God. As they look up they will strengthen their hope and not lose heart when natural chain reactions are taking place that seems to discredit the promises of God.

The disciples asked the Lord when certain aspects of the end of time would take place. They were looking for signs of a chain reaction of events. The Lord described certain things that would take place before His coming, but His most important instruction to His disciples was “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” (Luke 21:28). Only by looking up can we protect our peace and strengthen our hope in a world where an overwhelming number of chain reactions are taking place all at once that chain our focus to this world, not the world to come.


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