A small
discovery is about to lead to a massive shift in our culture. An uncovering is
taking place. As events begin to unfold, look deeper than what is being offered
to you as the assumed final word on any subject. If you have trained your eyes
to see with the sight of the Spirit, the Lord will reveal to you what is not
being seen by those who are watching these events unfold with the limitations
of natural sight and human logic.

When I was a
cop, we had a unique armed robber hitting convenience stores in our city. He
was dubbed the Band-Aid Bandit because he wore a bright-colored children’s
Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose when he committed a robbery. During a
robbery, people were so focused on the colorful Band-Aid and the cartoon
characters it depicted, that we had a hard time getting a decent description of
the suspect. In the end, he was arrested when an alert street cop pulled him
over for a minor traffic violation. The officer noticed a box of children’s
Band-Aids on the floor in the back seat. One thing led to another, and an
arrest was made. A minor violation led to a major arrest.

That one simple
and creative tactic, putting a bright-colored Band-Aid on the bridge of the
robber’s nose, delayed the arrest of an aggressive armed criminal. The enemy of
good wants you as a follower of Jesus Christ to focus on the shallow, first
level of facts that natural sight and logic is presenting. This is a thin
revelation that will only lead you to a prepared conclusion and not the
identity of the real suspect.

Ask the Lord to
help you see beneath these shallow offerings to what is really taking place in
the realm of the Spirit. When you do, you will see the true suspect and he is
not any of the faces being shown on the news outlets. He is the puppet master
of a dark agenda. His greatest trick is to have you look only at the Band-Aids
of deception he is offering instead of looking past the charade to see
something deeper that is taking place. Wisdom will guide your eyes and
enlighten your mind to help you uncover his true identity.

This thief has one mission. He has come to steal, kill and destroy. His current
reign of deception will come to light in 2018. This exposure will reveal an
evil work and the puppets he used to accomplish an evil agenda, but that is not
all that will take place. God will use this exposure to train and mature a
sometimes naive Church who too easily try to interpret a spiritual reality
through the filter of human emotion and the lens of natural sight. In the end,
we will be wiser and more insightful when the Band-Aid of deception is finally
removed and we see what was actually taking place. When the next deception
comes, we will be prepared to engage the real suspect earlier in the
investigative process.

1 Comment

  1. Joe

    How about the 24/7 political news cycle with panels of pundits giving endless opinions? Thats a great distraction God can hardly get a word in…


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