When I first moved into the Rogue Valley ten years ago people told me that in the month of February we would have a “false spring.” It was explained to me that we usually got a few days of really warm weather and then we would go back to the normal cold and wet of winter. This information proved to be true most of the time. The problem was this false spring was just a tease. Some of us got our motorcycles out and took a ride. Others began to dream of shorts and sandals.
I can’t help but think many Christians believe God is like a false spring – He gives us just enough to tease us and then life goes back to what it was before. This mindset produces a fear of loss in God’s people that hinders our faith. When God does something new in our lives He builds upon that newness and doesn’t pull the blessing back.
As spring comes in the natural realm ask God where in your spiritual life you might be living with the anticipation of loss. God wants to take that way of thinking out of our minds and replace it with the hope that John 10:10 reveals – He came that we might have life and life more abundantly.
Wishing you an early and continual spring in His presence.