God’s Girl

by | Apr 12, 2015 | Prophetic | 1 comment

He runs to meet

Her arms hold His
advance at a distance,

safely away.

She is not yet ready
to embrace again,

not trusting

Sorrow of promises
broken push hard against

His advance of

Back again He

wanting to hold

to feel the
warmth of this distant daughter,

this God-girl.

Her refusing arms
still extending,

limbs of

His tender
strength takes her unwilling arms

inviting her to
love again,

to live a future
not believed possible

before this last
embrace came


1 Comment

  1. kelrab

    It is true that so many daughter's of God are so damaged in the heart and soul that they don't recognize hope anymore for who God has called them to be. Thankfully, prayers of healing for the nations even include intimate healing for the daughters of God in their heart and soul that they may hope and believe and dance once again. Pray for the daughters of God as the Lord leads.


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