“His Defining Light” by Garris Elkins

by | Jan 16, 2013 | Church, Future, Holiness, Kingdom of God, Ministry, Teaching, Transition, Word | 2 comments

We have just come through a moment in time where the Church
has been repositioned into a new place. Few of us really understand this new
position. Something has changed. This new place is not yet fully defined, but
will become more evident with each passing day as we seek God’s face. 

As I prayed to understand this repositioning I began to see an
image.  In the image we were standing in
a dark room. I could sense this was a room of transition.  I could see someone standing at a dimmer
switch that controlled the level of light allowed into the room.

As the dimmer switch was moved up the level of light within
the room began to increase.  Those of us
in the room started to see dimly lit objects around us. Things that seemed
fuzzy in the low light level now began to take shape and definition.  As the room became fully illuminated four
objects in the room became visible – a box, a boat, a sword and a journal.


As I looked across the room the first object I saw was a
box.  It looked like one of those antique
wooden steamer trunks used for travel a hundred years ago.  Across the face of the box was a large label
that read, “Expired.”

God was letting me know that some of the methods of ministry
we have used in the past would no longer be used in the future – they had
expired their season of usefulness. Methods that worked in the past had become,
for some, a place where faith was no longer needed.  The methodology linked to the known methods
had now replaced the vulnerability of stepping forward in faith.


In the side of the hull of the boat was a large hole, just
below the water line.  It was obvious
this boat would not be able to float if launched. This hole was defined as “Self-promotion.”

Self-promotion had punctured the hull of the ship where
ministry was allowed to become an industry. 
Industry in the natural requires promotion and advertising in order to
survive in the marketplace. I felt the grieving of the Lord over this issue
when he said to me, “If I be lifted up –
not what you do in my name – I will draw all men to myself.” 
I began to repent of this very sin in my
own heart.


This sword was large, like a medieval knight’s war-sword. The
dulled edge of the sword was also chipped. I got the sense that it had been
used to strike objects in its dulled state and was chipped because it had lost
its ability to cut. 

I knew this sword represented the Word of God. At first I tried
to understand what this meant since God’s Word is described to us as “active,
alive and sharp.” The Word of God is a powerful weapon, so why was it not

I began to understand what I was seeing – this was an image
of the Word in our hand unused, not the Word in its purest sense.  The Word in the hands of some has grown dull
because of the lack of use. Our opinions about life, ministry and the Kingdom had
replaced the Word. As a result, it was easier to try and use the sword as a weapon
to motivate people towards our opinions.

I believe God is asking some of us to navigate this new
place through a return to a Word-based understanding of life and calling. As
these images and words came to my mind, the blade of the sword began to repair
and glisten in sharpness under the reflecting light in the room.


This journal was titled, “Principles.”  There was a layer of dust covering the
journal.  This journal of principles had
not been handled for a long time.  I
began to understand that principles we discovered in the last season had become
slogans for our lives in the current season. 
These principles had lost their power because they had not been used. They
had only been spoken, observed and recorded. The dust had gathered on this
journal of principles because they had not been handled and had not come in
contact with our inner man.

As I continued to view this now fully illuminated room and
it’s contents, I realized God was calling us to see clearly and to make
adjustments that will yield abundance and fruitfulness in this new place.  The Early Church did not walk in assumption,
nor did they follow intricate and developed long-term plans.  They lived in the moment dependent upon God
to illuminate each step they took.  This
dependence on him kept the room of their lives clear and uncluttered so they could
move freely into the new and unchartered future of faith.

Father God, turn up
the light of your presence in the room of our lives.  Show us the clutter.  Show us what we need to reactivate.  Make yourself known to us in this new place
so that we can move forward into the full light of your presence.


  1. Anonymous

    The precious power of our Father's conviction is so weighty in this that it nearly took my breath. Powerful. Provoking.

  2. Rev. Gregory Fisher

    Garris…spot on. My reading this morning included this verse from Isaiah:

    19  I did not speak in secret,
    in a land of darkness;
    I did not say to the offspring of Jacob,
    ‘Seek me in vain.’
    I the LORD speak the truth;
    I declare what is right.

    My prayer is that at these turbulent and perilous times the people of God hear and act on the insights you have shared.


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