Infinitely More

by | Dec 9, 2020 | Prophetic | 2 comments

The Lord can speak a simple sentence that seems to come out of nowhere, and the content of those sentences can reorder a person’s thinking. Yesterday I heard the Lord say, “I am casting a net wider than your imagination.”

Later in the day, I shared the word with Jan, and she responded, “That sounds like a harvest.” When so many are experiencing a sense of disappointment for a variety of issues, thinking that the Lord is casting a wide net of harvest sounds distant and out of the range of possibility. For those who would doubt, I would say, “But God!”

While the human imagination is a beautiful gift, it does have its limitations if the source of our imagination is only what we consider possible. Like the simple sentence the Lord spoke to me, there are times in life when we need reminders that the good things God wants to accomplish are blessings that come from a heavenly storehouse we cannot see with natural sight or comprehend with human intellect.  That storehouse contains a stock of blessing and breakthrough similar to what Paul described in Ephesians 3:20. They are supplies of God’s goodness that are “infinitely more than we might ask or think.” 

When times are unsure, and the way forward seems undefined, a continued hope in the goodness of God is our only safe place. Believing in the goodness of God provides us with the emotional and spiritual stability we will need to keep moving forward until the Lord’s net is drawn, and the harvest is finally revealed.  


  1. Diana Katona

    He has blessed us with an imagination but because of sin, PTSD, emotional and mental trauma our imagination needs santifing. Which He does!
    As our minds are healed He up grades our thinking the spirit of our minds and it is renewed. As we think, it gives Him something to work with and gives us hope.

  2. James Moyer

    On November 3 morning, election day, I saw a snapshot vision of a warm blanket of God’s righteousness falling across the United States of America. It made me think of the time when the woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and upon her healing said, “I felt righteousness go out of me!” How true that righteousness overcomes evil. And how true that all righteousness is indeed borrowed from Him. My ears have perked up and my eyes have widened in anticipation of what great harvest that blanket of His righteousness is bringing.


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