Lighted Steps

by | Jul 4, 2014 | Faith, Hope, Kingdom, Spiritual Warfare, Trust | 0 comments

You are holding a lamp of revelation provided
by the Lord. The lamp is only
illuminating the area around your feet. You know the scripture defines the word as a lamp to your feet and a
light to your path, but you want more. You want a spotlight to light the path miles down the road.

The Lord has purposefully only provided
illumination for your next step.  There
is a reason for this.  The path ahead is
filled with things you are not yet ready to see – things that can only be
encountered with a grace that will be given in a future moment.

Trust God with the things that lurk in the
darkness.  In the darkness God is doing
battle with situations that would cause you to turn and run if you saw
them.  This is where your peace for the
journey comes knowing that God is always at work in the dark places making
ready the pathway for your next step of faith.


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