by | Aug 13, 2022 | Prophetic | 4 comments

The Church is living amid a season of tremendous social change. In that change is the potential for great Kingdom harvest and expansion if we align ourselves with the workings of God’s Spirit. At this time, two histories are running parallel to each other – one history is a human attempt to once again live life without God and the other is God’s plan for humanity to help us flourish under His Lordship. 

Social scientists have developed an interpretive tool called the Four Turnings. Culture goes through four cycles in history. Simplistically represented, each cycle is roughly a generation in time. The first cycle is a euphoric period of history when old values begin to decay and fall away and people see change coming. The second cycle is a turning away from the old ways to embrace something new. The third cycle is a revolutionary time of social unraveling that replaces old values with the values of a new governing regime. And finally, the Forth Turning is where crisis and resulting chaos and uncertainty emerge. The Fourth Turning becomes a gate leading to a new epoch of time. At the completion of the final turn, a social reset takes place. We are living in the middle of that final turning.

The danger in this Fourth Turning will be the offering of a counterfeit to the Great Awakening. The similarities will be so close that undiscerning believers will trumpet the tenets of the Fourth Turning as a work of God when it is actually a masked and well-orchestrated fraud used to deceive. 

In chaotic seasons of history, like those that occur in times of crisis and chaos, there is no clear path. This is where despots and authoritarians rise to lead a confused populace. This is also a place where the Great Awakening will take place to overcome hell’s attempt at global dominance.

The coming Great Awakening will be so powerful it will alter time and history. It will be a miraculous work of God on par with the miracles recorded in Scripture that will violate the most assured predictions and prognostications about what direction societies will move.

In the coming days of chaos, only the voice and presence of God will provide us with peace and direction. Begin today to cultivate a sensitivity to God and His voice. Only His voice and presence will be able to lead us in the right direction when the final turn takes place.


  1. S.Illinois momma

    Hey Garris, did you see the article where scientist were baffled by how the earths rotations have begun to speed up?

    I think the rotation sped up by a millisecond?

    “The coming Great Awakening will be so powerful it will alter time and history..”

    And unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened

    (Mat 24:22)

    Its just the beginning.

    • Riekie Dalm

      I remember hearing years ago that that the earth had shifted a tiny bit off its axis thereby speeding up time. I agree, it’s sped up even more!!

    • Riekie Dalm

      I remember hearing this year’s ago. The earth had shifted a tiny bit off its axis thereby speeding up time.
      I totally agree with you

  2. Anna McIver

    Wow.. so interesting..
    “It will only be by the Holy Spirit”…


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