Protecting Passion

by | Feb 5, 2017 | Faithfulness, Freedom, Healing, Hope, Joy, Promise, Restoration, Truth | 0 comments

The greatest theft is the theft of our passion for God. Passion is the ignition system God has placed within us that ignites our destiny. It is the flame we use to touch the woodpile of purpose that will cause us to burn for God.                              

If we are not careful, we can allow our passion to be put up for sale on a spiritual auction block and made available to the highest emotional bidder. These bidders will provide a reasoned excuse for the sale and redefinition of your passion for the purpose of lighting a fire of lesser purpose. Once passion is diverted it can only ignite temporary fires that become lost in the cultural forest fires of history leaving behind only charred remains in their path.                                       

Inventory your passion. What ignites you at the deepest level? That spark only belongs to God, not a cause, a group or a calling. It is the flame of passion between you and the Lord. Guard it like it was the last precious flame sparked from the last match struck while trying to stay alive in the depths of a cold, dark, and dangerous winter. Without its flame, your love will grow cold and your purpose in life will be extinguished.


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