God is leading His
people to a new place. This will require a fresh anointing of God’s Spirit in
those places where we have allowed our experience with God to become dry.
Without that fresh anointing we will remain immobilized and unable to move
forward to complete the next leg of the journey set before us.
The covered
wagons used by the early pioneers who settled the untamed American West were
filled with all the items they would need to carve out a new life in the
wilderness. If the wagon and its contents did not complete the journey with the
pioneers they would not have the tools needed to create a new settlement. Hanging
from beneath each of these wagons was a grease bucket. The bucket was filled with
a mixture of animal fat and tar. The grease was used to keep the axles of the
wheels lubricated so the wagon would continue to roll. An axle that was not lubricated would eventually
dry out causing the wheel to seize up. Every day before the wagons broke camp
each wagon driver would make sure the wheels of their wagon were greased.
To forget that one thing would put their family and the entire wagon train in a
place of jeopardy.
On the Day of
Pentecost the axle of the Church was supernaturally greased. The events of that
day were never intended to be a onetime experience. The Church began to roll forward
at Pentecost in the power and demonstration of God’s Spirit. God has not
changed His methodology. We were not empowered by the event itself, but by the
Person of Jesus Christ. He was the one
who initially greased the first wheels of the Church and He stands ready to
anoint us again in this day.
Each time in last
2,000 years, whenever the Church turned away from the empowering presence of the
Spirit thinking we could complete the journey under our own power and ability we
became dry, seized up and stopped rolling forward. Instead of calling on Heaven
to freshly grease the wheels of our lives and ministries, we built encampments
in dry destinations God never intended to become our final encampment.
It is into these dry
encampments where the Lord is coming to re-grease His Church. There is too much at
stake and too much taking place on the world stage for a powerless demonstration of
the Gospel. It is about to get sloppy. Grease cannot be applied in a dainty
fashion. It wasn’t a tidy process on the Day of Pentecost and neither will it
be in our day. The circled wagons are about to get greased and the Wagon
Master is putting out the call to, “Move out!” To obey this call will require a well-greased axle.