by | Nov 9, 2022 | Prophetic | 6 comments

There’s an old hymn we should all sing the morning after election results are made known. We need to sing it to recalibrate our hearts. The hymn, “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” reaffirms where true hope is founded. The lyrics tell us “On Christ the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.” These lyrics and the truth they convey apply to all things in this life, including both victory and defeat in election cycles.


  1. watching

    So true. I sing that as a southern resident of a state ruled solely by four counties votes. It doesn’t matter if 7/8ths of the map is colored red, the lone four blue counties win and corruption continues. Our recumbent won…again.

    I was so hopeful for our state…and the AP called our “win” before the polls even closed.

    The safe-t law that goes into effect January first turns our state into a free zone for criminals and our properties into potential squatter camps with the landowners having no legal recourse to remove the offenders. We have abortion clinics set up at our state borders to collect all the run off from states with sound minds, and clinics scattered throughout out state. These are just the short and obvious list of my states woes. There are many…many…many more.

    To say Im broken hearted is an understatement.

    But I am reminded of a situation in my life that was dire. God accomplished things that no man could…but it took everything in my life being reduced to ashes before God moved and rebuilt my family.

    I see my state going through this process. The leadership has failed to yield to God’s mercy, so ashes it is. God makes beautiful things out of ashes…and that is where I am rejoicing today. The ashes are coming, the beauty is arriving.

    We are waiting…and we will soar like eagles!

    No one who hopes in Jesus will ever be put to shame!! BUT shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause!!!!

    We are being set up for unbelievable persecution here… BUT out of that comes the greatest revival and healing the nation has ever seen where He adds to our numbers daily!

    Today my state has crossed the Jordan. There are giants in the land and idols in the foundations of the houses we are to things are about to get messy as God moves a minority to conquer a majority through His might alone!!! No vote could accomplish what God is going to do here! Our might, our vote, can’t win this battle, but His Spirit will!!!

    I am certain of it.

    Or else I would have left my home and moved my family 13 miles across the border to a red state. I will hold the line for the harvest that is yet to come, regardless of what is thrown at me.

    The answer has never lied in what our government can do for us, but in the strength and action of the Body of Christ within a region (which boils down to families and individual relationships with Christ). If we would have had a win here… people would have exhaled and rested on their haunches. Nothing would have been rebuilt, they would have expected the new Governor the fix the state.

    God wants to move here and He will not let any man or government stop what he has planned for my state.

    Part of me is mourning because I see the level of suffering that will need to take place before things change, but in the same breath I am excited for the ashes. I am excited that this system is crashing and giving wide open space for the Kingdom to be built on no other foundation that Jesus Christ.

    We have to see the deconstruction as a construction site. The garbage has to be completely torn down, cleaned up and removed. Or else the building would have no space to be built. Don’t cry over the trash pile! Rejoice for the room being made!

    My state can’t stand under the lawlessness it has created. Lawlessness on top of lawlessness. As lawlessness destroys things and people see the hard proof of the lies they have been sold, their hearts will be open to receiving Gods blueprints for this state and their lives.

    Small speech… I know. But I have to keep reminding myself of this because what I see everyday in my state and community threatens to tow me under. Maybe someone else can start declaring it too…

    • Mark

      Amen ❤️

    • Diana Lynn Katona

      Yes and amen

  2. Elaine Austin


  3. Marilyn Hagoes

    Thank you for the extremely important reminder, our ways are not God’s ways!

  4. Linda Hovet

    Excellent word. And reply from “watching”. Thank you for the visuals of hope we so desperately need! The Lord has said, “Church, arise!”. Some have, but so many are still looking to the old wine for the answers. It’s not there. It’s in the rebuilding from the ashes. I love that picture of hope. Jesus alone with His body will stand and arise to greater things: His Kingdom purposes! I’m in!


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