Sharing the Blessing

by | Jun 26, 2021 | Prophetic | 0 comments

On our morning walk, Jan and I processed the subject of financial blessing and sharing. We have come to realize that a portion of each unexpected gift God gives us has another destination in mind. We are not the terminal point of the blessing. In sharing, we multiple the blessing to others.

Early on in our lives when we received an unexpected gift we clutched it tightly imagining what we could spend it on. Today, it is different. We know that a portion of every gift has another person or ministry in mind. As the amount of a gift goes up, so does the amount of our giving. I am so glad the Lord gave Jan to me as a friend and wife. She has taught me a great deal about the heart of God when it comes to giving.

I don’t share this to have you think we have always been generous. There were times when the Lord had to pry open our greedy and reluctant hands to release a blessing to someone else.

If we allow God to work on our hearts regarding our finances, over time, He will begin to send blessings our way knowing the part He asked us to give away from our abundance will make its way into the hands of someone He also planned to bless. Those who sent these gifts to us never knew the extent of their blessing. When we don’t live in the fear of lack and trust the Lord as our provider and are willing to release a portion, or in some cases all of a gift, our obedience delights the Lord. Over the years, I have learned to share His delight.


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