Yesterday afternoon, I walked by clusters of grapes hanging from one of the vines on our property. Grapes grow well in this region. For the early French settlers, our valley reminded them of the south of France. We have excellent soil and a climate able to produce outstanding wine grapes.
As I passed by the vines, the Lord drew my attention to a cluster of grapes still weeks away from maturity. When He had my attention, He spoke and said, “Soon, but not yet.” Immediately I knew what He meant. Some of us have promises that are hanging in plain sight ready to mature and be harvested. For the early French vintners, this would be the time of year to get ready for the harvest. Crushing vats would be prepared and barrels would be assembled. They would make sure they had enough bottles and corks to house their prized wine.
The promises of God in your life are coming to fruition soon, but not yet. In this short season of waiting, God will bring together all the elements required for a successful harvest. There are things you can do in the meantime. God will show you how to capture the goodness of your promise to enjoy for yourself and to share with others. The grapes of your promise may still be green, but God is beginning to change their spiritual chemistry making them ready for the time of harvest and future consumption. It will happen soon, but not just yet. Wait in confident expectation in this time of preparation, and soon you will taste and see that God is good.