by | Oct 12, 2023 | Prophetic | 5 comments

When an individual, family, or nation appears surrounded by evil, the Lord’s faithfulness for what He has promised to fulfill will establish a greater perimeter of hope. That greater perimeter of God’s presence stands outside human history. It holds all evil plans captive to His promises that will be fulfilled in due time.

While the weapons and threats of hell can appear severe and overwhelming at times, they are unable to overcome the faithfulness of the One who surrounds our lives, especially when the future offers no visible evidence of a hope-filled fulfillment of what the Lord has promised.

When the perpetrators of evil plans seem like they have fully surrounded their intended victims and seem to have the upper hand, the Lord will demonstrate His power and majesty in overwhelming and unexpected ways dismantling the plans of hell. This will create a testimony of God’s power for the world to see. In the Middle East, this is playing out at this moment in history.

Our prayers for the deliverance of individuals, families, or nations will begin to break down the walls of the surrounding threats of the enemy. “Protect me from wicked people who attack me, from murderous enemies who surround me” (Psalm 17:9). Our prayers for help always rise to the ears of God. They are placed in the bowls of Heaven to be poured out at strategic moments of deliverance.


  1. Jamie


  2. John Anderson

    What prayers God answers, when He answers them, why He answers them, and for whom He answers them are elements of the “Mystery of Godliness” that we may only know on the other side of eternity!

    But pursuing the will of God today, and developing the intimacy with God along the journey, are the things that keep us focused and alert!

    • AnnieGrace


  3. Lesley Ann Richardson

    O, how we then pour out the prayers of the psalms! O, how we then realize how full of comfort and strengthening His word is! and how we then realize how vast the battle we are in, but how faithful are His promises … how great His power to subdue all the works of evil to His kingdom purposes, to establish blessing in the earth.

  4. Sheila H Crone

    That evil may go quietly or with great noise, but our peace is sustained by Him Who is our Father.


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