The tension, angst, and increasing frustration swirling
around in the hearts and minds of many people is like the tension expressed in
a bubble just before it bursts. This is not a financial or political bubble. It
is a spiritual bubble that once it breaks will prepare the way for a great move
of God’s Spirit.
These moves of the Spirit have taken place historically
when all the things we put our hope in apart from God finally proved to be
nothing more than shallow substitutes.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with
the increasing levels of tension, angst, and frustration currently taking place
in our culture, invite the presence of God to come and reorder your emotions to
align with a passion for more of Him. When you do this, the negative feelings
will begin to lift. You will discover, and in some cases rediscover, freedom
and peace amidst the turmoil. You will also find your place in the coming move
of God. That discovery would not have taken place had you been focusing on the
wrong things.