The Clouds Of Promise

by | Aug 9, 2016 | Hope, Obedience, Prayer, Provision | 0 comments

Last weekend while ministering in Salem, Oregon, an image began
to develop over the heads of the people who filled the sanctuary of the church
where I was preaching. I saw small clouds filled with precipitation on the
verge of release floating above their heads. I asked the Lord what these clouds
represented. He said, ”These are clouds of promise I have assigned to follow
the people. Some of them think I have forgotten the promises I made,
but I have not. I am about to rain down My presence upon them as an act of

I began to see funnel clouds like small tornadoes extend
downward from these clouds. The
tornadoes began to stir the environment of each person above whom the cloud
floated. This stirring was in
preparation for the coming fulfillment of promises made in the past. God had
assigned these promises to follow their lives to this point in time. As we continued to worship, the rain of God’s
goodness began to fall on the dry places to moisten seeds of promise to begin
sprouting their provision.

In each worship service, I shared this image before I
preached my planned message. I asked those in attendance to stand if this word
was from them. People all across the sanctuary stood. As they stood, I saw their heads entering
these clouds of promise where the rain of revelation and fulfillment began to
turn the dry places of disbelief and disillusionment into a moist and fertile
place of possibility.

As the clouds of promise began to surround the thinking of
the people who stood, I began to sense the fragrance that comes when a summer
rain moistens dry earth giving off that wet earth smell announcing the
coming of a new crop. 

If you feel like the promises of God have passed you by and are gone forever, God wants you to know
His promises have continued to follow your life. They have never departed. They
have been waiting at the intersection of His timing and the rising of your
faith. No matter where you find yourself in this moment – stand up in faith. Literally.
Stand up right now! Stand as a prophetic act and let your head enter the cloud
of promise. God has not forgotten you. This is the day that will mark the
beginning of a new harvest.


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