This morning, I sat down in front of my laptop computer to begin writing. I wanted to update a document I was working on by synchronizing the font style of the various files I had imported from different sources that don’t use my preferred font. I randomly placed my cursor in the file and hit “Select All”. I noticed the font box on my word processing program identified the imported font style as, “Inherit”. I have been writing for a long time and never knew such a font existed. I checked my own word processing program font choices and Inherit was nowhere to be found. I was wide-awake having just downed two cups of coffee, so I was clear-headed and not seeing things. Then I asked, “Lord, what was that all about?”
Initially, I did not sense a message was going to come from this strange occurrence, but after asking the Lord the above question, a word did arrive. Some of you reading this have entered a season of faith where God will deliver to you an unexpected inheritance from an unimagined source. This is not intended to be interpreted as a “You are about to win the Lottery” kind of word. It is written to simply make some of you aware of what is coming and to prepare your life for its arrival.
We all carry the same overall spiritual inheritance given to us by Jesus. That inheritance makes us rich beyond any natural measure. The inheritance I am referring to is more practical in nature. This will be an unexpected delivery of a real and tangible inheritance from unknown sources in your family lineage. If you become the recipient of this kind of blessing, ask God for the wisdom required to possess what will be given to you. Yes, the delivery of this inheritance could upgrade the places of lack in your life, but there is a greater assignment for the blessing.
This inheritance will be delivered to impact the world for the good of God’s Kingdom. If you sense a connection with what I am sharing, begin to prepare yourself by studying what it means to steward a blessing. Allow God access to the places in your heart controlled by a fear of lack and any place where a greedy or a stingy spirit has set up a place of residence in your thinking. Even if the actual inheritance defined in this word is not for you, the work you allowed God to do in your life in preparation for its delivery will become itself, a treasured inheritance you can pass on to those you love.