Have you ever contemplated the moments in life just before everything changes? The moment just before you met your significant other or your best friend. That moment just before you lost a job or got a new one. What about the moment just before a loved one passed away or that moment in the future just before you leave this world and enter eternity? 

Life is filled with these just before moments. They remain unrecognizable because we cannot discern their existence before they arrive. Right now as you read these words somewhere out ahead of you is a “moment just before” making its way toward you.

Solomon wrote, “For everything, there is a season.” These moments are the precursor of change. Placed within you are the seeds of a new season that you carry unknowingly. Like a seed buried deep in the soil, you cannot fully know the moment your seed will sprout and break through the restricting surface to encounter the new season for which you were planted. 

One of the most powerful things we can do is live in each moment of life with expectancy. Living with an expectancy of God’s goodness and His faithfulness is what prepares us to embrace whatever comes our way with faith and courage. It shifts the environment of our waiting. In the presence of expectancy, fear will not find a place to dwell in the moment just before the next season of your life arrives. 


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